Healing the wounds: my encounter with an Angophora tree

Healing the wounds: my encounter with an Angophora tree

When I do my own NatureConnect I tend to just walk slowly without much of a plan. I know that I have a suite of activities up my sleeve I can choose from when the right moment arises. Given the challenge of quietening my busy mind, often filled with anxieties,...
Nourishing your journey to Wholeness: some reflections

Nourishing your journey to Wholeness: some reflections

My journey towards wholeness, like everyone else’s on this meandering, scrubby track, is a ‘work-in-progress’. In my dark moments I fall into self-judgment and feel like a Swiss cheddar cheese, filled with the gutted holes of negativity that I have sought...
Coping with the bad news about Climate Emergency

Coping with the bad news about Climate Emergency

On the 28 May I attended a conference organised by the Uniting Church in North Parramatta around the psychological effects of the threat of the Climate Emergency (CE). It was an innovative, positive gathering of like-minded people concerned about our future and...

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