About Peter



Thanks for exploring my website. This is my portal for sharing my NatureConnect Program as well as reflections and ideas around nature, eco-spirituality and global challenges. I have run the NatureConnect Programs since 2010 to hundreds of people keen to have an alternative nature experience.

The Program is based on a strategy and technique I developed during my doctoral research into ecological consciousness and human-nature connection. I have degrees in ecology (BSc), sustainability (MSc) and ecopsychology (PhD). I worked in the environmental planning field for around 15 years as a consultant. During and after this time I volunteered my expertise and efforts for numerous community and environmental organisations, mostly in relation to environmental/planning campaigns.

In my early 40s, I began to more consciously seek nature’s healing embrace as a way to experience deeper connection and unburden myself of troubling thoughts, emotions and feelings. My increasing unease with personal directions and environmental/ social issues, as well as mid-life upheaval, motivated me to undertake my doctorate in ecopsychology to explore the healing power of nature using contemplative and perceptual practices.

I offer my expertise and passion for nature connection to people seeking deeper experiences of connection, healing and inner peace in their lives. I bring years of doctoral research and connection practice to offer an authentic, integrated approach to nature connection that offers healing at all levels of your being.

My articles on connection and other similar subjects have been published in the international peer-reviewed journal Ecopsychology and the magazine, Australian Wellbeing. I am also self-published. I enjoy seeing my clients let go and become present to the beauty and spirit of natural places. I hope to be able to help you enter into the spacious healing of nature.

Warm regards

Peter White (PhD)
Sydney, Australia


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